WHAT'S THE GIG IDEA: fair work in the platform economy


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In this episode

In February the Supreme Court ruled against Uber in a major case on the rights of its drivers. Could it prompt a shift in working conditions in the gig economy? Former Uber driver and co-claimant in the recent case James Farrar tells us about his legal victory, Kelle Howson from Fairwork talks about what it could mean more widely, then Martin Buttle from ShareAction talks us through the investor response to Deliveroo’s recent IPO.


James Farrar (@jamesfarrar), co-claimant in recent Uber case at the Supreme Court and founder of the Worker Info Exchange

Kelle Howson (@kellehowson), researcher at FairWork

Martin Buttle (@martinbuttle), head of Good Work at ShareAction

More info

Uber case

Gig economy rights

Deliveroo IPO