CHILDCARE MATTERS: learning lessons from lockdown



In this episode:

In recent months, many working parents have had to juggle looking after kids at home with their usual jobs. Research shows this has had a disproportionate impact on working mothers. We talk to researcher Christine Berry and Lucie Stephens from the New Economics Foundation about our reliance on childcare, the crisis now facing the sector, and how to ensure it is truly valued in the coronavirus recovery. Then Mary-Ann Stephenson from the Women’s Budget group discusses the broader economic impact of the last few months on women.

Plus singer-songwriter turned CBeebies star Nick Cope is here to talk about his Popcast!


Christine Berry (@oeufling), freelance researcher and writer

Lucie Stephens (@Maidafloat), head of co-production at the New Economics Foundation

Mary-Ann Stephenson (@maryanncv8), director of the Women’s Budget Group

Nick Cope (@nickcope4), family singer-songwriter

More info

COVID 19’s impact on women

Childcare during coronavirus

Investing in childcare