A VOTE FOR THE PLANET: making this the climate election



In this episode:

The climate crisis is higher on the political agenda than ever before, with more than half of people saying it will influence how they vote in the UK general election. We’re discussing how to ensure that this is the first ‘climate election’ with Alice Bell from climate campaign Possible and Fatima Ibrahim from Green New Deal UK. Then Catherine Abreu talks us through the role of climate policy in Canada’s recent election and what the rest of the world can learn from it.

And comedian Jen Brister joins us to sift through the more hopeful stories in another week of general election campaigning.


Alice Bell (@alicebell), co-director of the climate campaign ‘Possible’ 

Fatima-Zahra Ibrahim (@fortuashla), co-founder of Green New Deal UK

Catherine Abreu (@cat_abreu), executive director of Climate Action Network Canada

Jen Brister (@JenBrister), comedian

More info

Britain’s climate election


Canada’s climate election

The climate crisisAdmin